Create a film of a day in your family's life | Northern Virginia Family Photography

I'm not a big fan of winter, but I love living in northern Virginia where we get to (mostly) experience all the seasons. Fall is especially beautiful and this was a special session, filmed last October about three weeks before I gave birth to my youngest son. (It was also a mini vacation - a night away (and a whole bed to myself!).

I got to spend a weekend exploring with this amazing family on their ranch in northern Maryland. And since we were so far outside of DC, I also got to use my drone for this film which made for some beautiful, unique shots.

I first filmed this family at their home in DC when their youngest was a teensy newborn. That film was all about their new family dynamic with two children. Full of coziness, love, and new baby goodness.

This time around, we spent a lot of time planning what what was most important for them to preserve. Love, of course, but also adventure and the many reasons they moved to Maryland - including spending lots of time outdoors. There were also little people who had grown so much and had so much personality to share. Capturing all the love and energy - and two pups too! - made for a rich film.

Collaborating to create this story was so much fun. I hope you enjoy watching.

Nicole Sanchez Photography works with busy parents in Northern Virginia, Washington, DC, and Maryland to create stress-free photo sessions that take all the loving, fun, and chaotic moments of family life to make beautiful photos and films that families will love looking at year after year.  Contact me today to start planning a custom photography experience that's perfect for your family.

Family reunion: a military homecoming film | Northern Virginia Family Photography

Just before social distancing and a couple of weeks before stay-at-home orders were issued in DC, Maryland, and Virginia, I had the opportunity to document the homecoming of a U.S. military serviceman.

His family waited five long months to see him again. For a three-year-old missing his dad, that's an especially long time. Counting down the minutes with this little guy was one of my most special experiences as a photographer and this was one of the most emotional family films I've created. I'm familiar with the energy of young boys especially, so getting to follow him around the international arrivals area at BWI Airport was quite fun (and a lot less stressful than chasing my own kids around the airport!).

I hope you enjoy this glimpse into a moment five months in the making. 

I knew it would be emotional, particularly that moment of reunion. But what was just as special was witnessing the story of a military spouse and mom. Through months of highs and lows she was a beautiful mother to a little boy who missed his daddy very much. All while missing her partner in life very much.

Military families are amazing and I'm in awe of the dedication, sacrifice, and support within the military community. Thank you for all that you do.

Nicole Sanchez Photography works with busy parents in Northern Virginia, Washington, DC, and Maryland to create stress-free photo sessions that take all the loving, fun, and chaotic moments of family life to make beautiful photos and films that families will love looking at year after year.  Contact me today to start planning a custom photography experience that's perfect for your family.

Three Reasons to Get in the Picture, Mamas! | Northern VA, DC, and MD Documentary and Lifestyle Photographer

In honor of Mother's Day this weekend, I'm sharing a few of my favorite images of motherhood.  I'm also sharing three reasons why photographs are so important and why you should get in the frame with your kids.

1. We take photos of what is important to us.

People, events, moments.  The photographs that endure are those that remind us of something that is important.  Family, love, happiness.  These are all aspects of life that we don't want to forget.  We return to those photographs that help us remember what it was like to live in that moment - not only to cherish the past, but to remind us of what matters today.

Northern Virginia Family Documentary Photography, in home, motherhood
Northern Virginia Family Documentary Photography, in home, motherhood

2. Photographs send a message.

More than documenting these moments for ourselves, with photographs, we're sending a message to others, especially our children, that this is what matters to us.  Relationships with loved ones. Momentous occasions.  Daily activities that add up to a lifetime of memories. Seeing these images, especially in prints you can hold in your hands (more on that in a post to come!), speaks volumes.  Worth a thousand words, right? ;-)

Maryland Family Documentary and Lifestyle Photography, in home, motherhood
Maryland Family Documentary and Lifestyle Photography, in home, motherhood

3. Photographs are a part of our family history.

My mom is the historian in our family (thanks, Mama!) and I often tell her I wish we had pictures to go along with all the names and dates in our family tree.  I wish I could see what my ancestors looked like and have clues that give insight into who they were and what was important to them. My hope is that the images I take for my family and others' will become a part of our family stories, painting a more complete picture of where we came from and what mattered to us.

Northern Virginia Family Documentary and Lifestyle Photography, in home, motherhood
Northern Virginia Family Documentary and Lifestyle Photography, in home, motherhood

Taking pictures with our kids, not just of them, conveys how important they are to us and how dear we hold our relationship with them and our role as mother.  Documenting these aspects of our lives is not only important for them and for us, but for their children and for future family historians.

Young or old, the familial bond is one of the most enduring aspects of life.  So, now, whether your kids are 2, 20, or 62, go take a picture with them! And while you're at it, if you're fortunate enough to have the opportunity, take a picture with your Mom too!

And because it would be rude to ignore my own advice, here are a couple of recent favorites from my own moments in motherhood.  Happy Mother's Day!